QLM Label Makers

Innovative student designs from RMIT

The past 5 months we have had the privilege of working as an industry partner with RMIT University Vietnam’s Innovation in Packaging Design students ( @rmitvnscd ) – and their inspiring lecturer: @Giang.Nguyen https://www.linkedin.com/in/giang-nguyen-68513919/.

Students are challenged to create innovative packaging design that focuses on a number of key factors, including minimising the impact on the environment, focus on sustainable materials and solving problems so that packaging makes people’s lives easier.

The students blew me away with their creativity and perseverance. Samples, mock-ups and final products were printed on QLM – Hoang Ha Label’s HP Indigo label and offset presses and included a range of innovative and interesting ideas with personalisation and customisation.

This is just a sample of some of the amazing work and really interesting ideas that students came up with. It was interesting to watch the way that they worked to develop ideas and solve problems.

I think it is fair to say that we are in good hands with the calibre of students being developed. Look forward to seeing what they come up with in the future.

#labelsalive #hpindigo #qlmlabelmakers #rmit #rmitvnscd